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Frequently asked questions
The health, safety and well being of your children is our top priority. Please read our Parent Handbook with all of our policies. By filling out and signing our Registration Form you agree to our guidelines.
You will complete a Registration Form and Release Agreement on your first visit that will be kept on file. We ask that you thoroughly read our policies/guidelines and encourage you to ask any questions you may have. It is the parents' responsibility to keep phone numbers, addresses and any health information up to date. Please let us know if contact info/authorized pick up info needs to be changed.

We follow strict pick-up procedures. The person picking up a child must be on the authorized pick up list. The same person who drops off must pick up, unless we are notified at the time of drop off that someone else will be picking the child up. We check photo I.D. to verify identity. We will not release a child to anyone who is not on the authorized pick up list or to anyone that appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Personal Belongings
Cubbies are provided for children’s personal belongings such as shoes, bottles/cups, diaper bags, and change of clothing. Please leave all personal toys at home. We are not responsible for missing or broken toys/electronic devices. Please label bottles/sippy cups with your child’s name. If something needs to be refrigerated, please let a staff member know and we will be happy to accommodate your needs.
Please provide Bizi Kidz with diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes for your child if needed. There will be a charge of $1.00 per diaper if they are not supplied by parent.
Payment is due when you pick-up your child unless you have purchased one of our prepaid packages. We accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover & PayPal. There will be a fee of $25.00 for returned checks. Due to state regulations, we are limited in watching your child for a 4-hour maximum time period. We charge $1 per minute for every minute over a 4-hour period. We also charge this fee if your child stays past closing time.
Snacks and Meals
No peanut/nut products are allowed in the facility. Please keep us informed if there is a food allergy. Snacks are offered to your child at scheduled snack times: 10:00am, 2:00pm, & 5:00pm at a cost of 50 cents. You are welcome to bring a snack from home instead and will not be charged. We do offer gluten-free snack options also. Water is available for your child at all times.
Bizi Kidz does not provide meals. Please bring your child lunch or dinner if they will be with us during the lunch (12pm) or dinner hour (6pm). No peanut or nut products allowed. Please be sure to label all food, sippy cups, and lunch boxes brought into the facility with your child's full name.
Healthy Children
In the best interest of our children and staff members, we ask that you do not bring an ill child to Bizi Kidz. A full explanation of our Sick Policy can be found here. The following are examples of symptoms exhibited by children who are considered ill:
-an oral temperature of 100 degrees or higher
-vomiting or diarrhea that has occurred in the past 24 hours
-a contagious illness such as strep throat or pink eye
-an unidentified rash
-sore throat, excessive runny nose/sneezing, or excessive coughing.
If your child is too sick for school, they are too sick for Bizi Kidz. Bizi Kidz reserves the right to refuse ill children. A parent will be contacted immediately to pick up a child that becomes ill while at Bizi Kidz.
We do not administer medication of any kind.
Discipline Policy
It is our policy to encourage good behavior by using praise and positive reinforcement. In the event that a child's behavior warrants discipline, verbal guidance and redirection will be used. Time out will be used as a last resort. If bad behavior continues for 30 minutes or more, or compromises the safety of other children, a parent will be called to pick the child up. Bizi Kidz reserves the right ​to refuse admittance to a child whose bad behavior continues on multiple visits or compromises the safety and well-being of other children.
Referral Policy
To show our appreciation, every time you refer a new family to Bizi Kidz you will receive ONE FREE HOUR!
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